
Real Clients, Real Experiences

My knee had some serious issues since my teenage years, doctors told me that surgery would make it worse, but prevent any further deterioration. I lived with this for 9 years, giving into the fact that I wouldn’t be able to be active in my early thirties.

I told Erica about the pain, and was blown away when she started describing my symptoms before I could. Thirty minutes later, my knee was fixed; and I don’t mean “felt better” I mean, it works like I was 16 again. Since then, I refuse to see anyone else, and now she helps after my 5k mud Runs!

Dan H.

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Massage Therapy

Patience is vital with bodywork – it allows me to work with the body to release tension when ready instead of forcing and causing further injury. The gentle, firm, and strong touch of massage therapy encourages the softening of body tissue and eases pain. While it promotes healing from injury, it also helps relieve stress and feelings of anxiousness.

Craniosacral Therapy

Craniosacral therapy is a gentle touch therapy approach that releases tension deep in the body to relieve pain, discomfort, and dysfunction. With a gentle touch to the cranium, sacrum, and spinal muscles, CST encourages the release of soft tissue that surrounds the central nervous system. CST is perfect as preventative care due to its ability to help strengthen the immune system against illnesses and other dysfunctions and pain in the body. While many use CST primarily for physical pain, I use it for mental & emotional health as well to encourage healing to the body, mind, and spirit.

Intuitive Art Reading

My intuitive art readings are a combination of intuition, shamanic practices, and art skills – these three together will help me convey messages from your guides to you. I connect with your guides and I receive messages in the form of words, emotions, and visions. I use my findings to create a beautiful piece of artwork for you along with a written reading.

these art readings can gift us a sense of direction when we feel lost, provide needed information, help us look at the tough things in life, and offer us Love.

Herbal Medicine

Herbal medicine is the use of plant life to ease ailments of the body and to increase health. The power of healing is harnessed through the knowledge and understanding of the human body in partnership with the Traditional Chinese Medicine theory and plant knowledge. All recipes are handmade and crafted to soothe the body – other formulas can also be tailored to your needs.

At Holistic Bodywork, herbal medicine is available to help ease and soothe digestion, sinus, muscle pain, and congestion and strengthen the immune system.*

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Postural Assessment

Postural assessment evaluates one’s posture to help locate an imbalance in the muscular and skeletal systems. The assessment allows an in-depth understanding of pain and injuries, allowing the therapist to work on the root of the cause instead of the symptoms. Postural assessments will also decrease the chances of injury or pain.

Shamanic Healing with Craniosacral Therapy

Many times in our lives, we feel depressed, full of sadness, drained, confused, experiencing illness and trauma, or feeling pain. When this happens, it usually means there is a block in us mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. This can disrupt our everyday life in many ways. Determining the cause is called shadow work; most often, there is something that keeps us from exploring ourselves – This is where I come in. Using Shamanic healing & Craniosacral, I work in partnership with your energy and Spirit to understand the blocks disrupting your energy and causing discomfort. Learn More.

Let’s work on your healing, together.